These Mendhi and Maiyan Indian prewedding events took place in two backyards in Winnipeg and this post is 1 out of 3 posts for this wedding. The reason I make 3 posts is to break up the number of photos which is better for viewing in my opinion.
With that said this wedding was awesome start to finish! Because of a couple of lousy wedding seasons due to Covid, it was great to be photographing these beautiful cultural weddings again. The atmosphere around this wedding was buzzing with anticipation. Manny and Gurdeep spent countless hours with the help of Dream Day Decor on their reception which you will see in the last post. It was hard to believe we were in a backyard and I got so many messages saying the same.
Moving on to these Winnipeg Mehndi and Maiyan events, on Manny’s side, it was a very chilled vibe. Family members took time to carefully smear small amounts of Tumeric paste on Manny. It was laid back and a fun day as everybody took their turn on that bright sunny day. However with Gurdeep or Gopi as everyone calls him, didn’t have it so easy. Gopi is basically all the children’s favourite uncle. They all love going over to his place and he just has a great bond with everyone Manny mentioned to me. With that said the playful nature of the kids left Gopi a mess and Gopi being Gopi allowed it and enjoyed it in the process.
Winnipeg Mehndi Maiyan
These prewedding events are always a lot of fun and there are tons of partying happening each day. With song and dance, they celebrated late into the night at Gopi’s making use of their beautiful tent provided by Tent D’lite. I hope you enjoy these highlights, please head on over to part 2 of this awesome wedding which is the ceremony.
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